Friday, December 17, 2010


For a change

let's do everything we never did

let's kiss each other like
never before

let's go to a deserted island

with beatiful flowers

and long sea line

let's find a maiden name to

call each other

let's see in each others eyes just to see

and let's find a mirror to watch us both

let's find a place which we both like

let's find a song which we both can sing

For a Change

let's do everything that we never did before...

Friday, December 10, 2010

Nothing but work..!

It is a govt. office

don't worry

everything will be fine

we don't shake hands here

the first reply you get

but then

is it not a good way to work

less tense
more eye on detail

but what is necessary

is bonhomie


and less less games

but more play...!

Nothing but Love.!


blossoms in the heart




but sometimes it gets destroyed
and changes its shape

then again it regains its originality

but in between

it is


in the dry lands of mind

gatting analyzed

making the mind paralyzed

but in the end

it just rains

from the eyes

for god to catch...

or it gets e vaporized