Friday, October 10, 2014


Every time I make a mistake
I know
that I am making one,

these mistakes

the voluntary ones
are mostly about time

time not given to others

The greatest gift you can
give others is time, they say

but the same gift is required
for your own self

The greatest gift you can
give yourself is your time.

They will not understand

that the time
I steal from them for me
bears a cost,

the shared happiness

I choose the self
more profound one
more selfish one
more eager one
more hungry one

out of sheer laziness.

what is a bigger mistake
if not life

maybe the choices!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

wake up

wake up for the peace of mind
wake up before everyone is gone

the sun will not wait for you.
the blooming flowers will wilt

wake up for
the sleep will deprive
you of wealth

wealth you ought to earn
before someone else takes it before you

wake up for a better health
wake up to see the life

your blood is frozen
wake up for some warmth

wake for it will be too late
to live and be alive

dead you have been since long
wake up for life.