Saturday, March 26, 2011


i want to return back
to the same old path
which i left

please allow me to do so

this habit of living in past
is neither borrowed nor purchased

it was gifted
by him to make me understand

more you move ahead
more you need to return back.................

Friday, March 25, 2011

to be
something is always

to become someone
all it takes
to put some extra effort

but to become someone special
the way is not defined............

Thursday, March 24, 2011


when sun will rise from west

i will start believing

i have achieved
what i have to

till then i m trying........

Friday, March 18, 2011

I don't believe this

I don't believe this

how can things change
so rapidly
that you can't even imagine

In a fortnight life looks
totally different

like i m in some kind of a dream

there is nothing like
happiness or pain that affects

only a handful of emotions

to be felt, examined
and expressed or suppressed

the bitter part of it comes initially
but the sweetest part comes

when you remember
the details

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


When i started
i was not worried about the outcome

but now the result is hard to digest

although i knew that this may happen
but somehow i fooled myself

for the one thing and everything
today i have reasons

but not a single one worth believing

i know this phase will also pass
like other tough times

but certainly it will always itch
in my heart..forever....

Monday, March 14, 2011

बहुत दूर

बहुत दूर आ गए हैं हम;
यहाँ से सब बहुत दूर दिखता है;

लोग छोटे दिखते है;

सपने बहुत बड़े मालूम होते हैं;

ऐसे जैसे उन्हें पूरा करने में
एक उम्र लग जायेगी;

क्या सिर्फ ख्वाब देखने में
वक़्त गुजारना अच्छा नहीं है?

ख्वाब पूरा होने पे
क्या ख्वाब मर नहीं जाते ?

उनकी भी तो एक उम्र होती है;

बहुत पास आ गए हैं
हम दुसरे छोर के;

नदी का दूसरा किनारा;
दुनिया का आखरी छोर...!