Saturday, April 28, 2012

Silence and other intervals..!

I don't have words
they are stolen ..
i can feel them
but i can't tell them
they don't come/
some day they will
they will miss me
and they will come back to me
They know what i feel
but they hide it from others
when they don't want to be shared
or because .
they don't like to be in open
 they want to be stored in the book
 (while chatting with kruti, you made the poem)

Being Together...!

Necessities bring together

In times of need,
we remember those

who can help,
who may help,

The world is not meant
for living in isolation,

The social system requires
more than just self,

For coming together
to help each other

is the only way
we can make this world

a better place to live..!

Sunday, April 22, 2012


The silence
between the people
sitting next to each other,

a complete helplessness
about everything

that has glued
the time earlier...


A change in the soul,

situations do mold
the metal we are made of,

we live in many worlds,

and we don't recognize them,

alienation is good
for creativity,

the underlined 
detachment makesus
judge a little better,

we love the way life
surprises us,

we are thankful that
the time passes,

more things will

and with open heart
we have to accept them,

There is no perfect world

and we want this imperfect
world with us,

we know that
what we seek is not permanent,

and that is why we seek it,

Love in all forms,
we need you,

come to us to show
that life is more than living,

find us a purpose,
attach us to some goal,

Take us to path
that never ends....!

Monday, April 2, 2012


Sense comes later,

much later when it is
actually required,

they call it experience

but it is actually failure
of not doing the right
thing in the first place,

It is difficult to explain,

what is very easy to understand
for you,

the wavelength of each one of us
has been changed,

we oscillate on a unique frequency,

it was made to stop resonance,

but sometimes
the frequency matches,

creates enormous amount of energy,

It makes noise,

creates ripples,

and breaks sometimes
all of it...!